Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tasteful Tuesday: Corner of My World!

I did my first Corner of My World post way back in November of 2010! You can view it here. My mantle has changed to some degree so I should update that soon. Maybe in my next Tasteful Tuesday.

Today we are going to a section of my dining room. I love my dining room. It is my favorite room in our home and is the heart of it, both in that it is centrally located and in that it tends to be where my husband and I congregate. From it we can see both the living room and the playroom (located on the lower level), which is essential given that we have two small children.

The lower level also contains our washer and dryer. When I come upstairs and into the dining room with an armful of clean laundry, I tend to dump it on the server in our dining room. I cannot even believe I'm admitting that but doesn't everyone have a place where their clean laundry tends to.....hide out?

I cannot believe I just put a picture of that on the web! Oh well. That's just me keeping it real!

I have decided to make a concentrated effort to NOT dump the clean laundry there anymore. I love the decor and general feel of this room but I know I'll appreciate it even more if I don't make it the server the place that clean laundry goes to die....and by die I mean hang out until we grab it and wear it.

Doesn't this look so much better?

(excuse the bad lighting, we have a chandelier over our dining table and it casts funny shadows).

So where does YOUR clean laundry go? Do you put it away right away or does it have a spot it likes to hang out?


  1. Right now, Matt has a basket of clean laundry sitting on the bench in our living room. That's where it always ends up, on that freaking bench! Just walk it 10 more feet to the bedroom! :)
